Budget 2015: Families will be hit

By Emma Graney, Leader-Post, March 19, 2015

The article features opinions by Peter Gilmer from the Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry and Poverty Free Saskatchewan. The provincial budget was released yesterday, which revealed cuts to many programs due to reduced oil revenues. Eligibility changes were announced for the Saskatchewan Employment Supplement, Active Families Benefit and Seniors’ Drug Plan (meaning that fewer residents will qualify for these programs) and funding for child care subsidies, Transitional Employment Allowance, and rental housing supplements is being reduced. Concerns have been raised that these changes are going to make it more difficult for residents living in poverty. The provincial government announced that it would be working towards an antipoverty strategy late last year, but this budget “doesn’t move us in that direction at all” according to Gilmer.

Link: http://www.thestarphoenix.com/business/Budget+2015+Families+will/10901984/story.html

CWP subsidies for Congress

Please note that the following is from the Canada Without Poverty list-serve – subscribe for useful information about poverty initiatives in Canada.

“Canada Without Poverty has funds to support the registration of up to 30 Congress attendees in low income, for whom the registration fee would be a barrier.  For those who wish to request the registration subsidy, please send a message to info (at) cwp-csp.ca with the subject line: Request for Subsidy for Registration to the North American Basic Income Congress.  In the body of your message please also provide a brief statement of your interest in the Congress.

Please note that we ask all persons receiving the subsidy to participate in a pre-Congress conference call on April 27th and a post-Congress conference call on May 11th.  In you statement of interest please identify your availability for both conference calls, to take place at 2:00pm Eastern for 90 minutes.

Please apply for the subsidy for the early registration fee by April 12th.  Thank you.

Rob Rainer

Executive Director / Directeur executif


Honorary Directors / Directeurs honoraires

Right (Très) Hon. Joe Clark, Hon. Louise Arbour, Hon. Monique Bégin, Hon. Ed Broadbent, Ovide Mercredi

Ottawa office / Bureau d’Ottawa: @UnderOneRoof, 251 Bank Street, 2nd Floor, Ottawa, ON K2P 1X3; (613) 789-0096 (1-800-810-1076)

Vancouver office / Bureau de Vancouver: (604) 628-0525