A Living Wage for Regina

A family of 4 with a children 4 and 7 years need $58,000 per year to live on. Minimum wage provides about $34,000. The graphics in the report tell the story. View entire report at .https://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/reports/living-wage-regina

Paul Gingrich, Simon Enoch,  and Brian Banks worked on this document.


A Living Wage for Regina is $16.46/per hour.

While Saskatchewan’s economy has outperformed the rest of the country for the past few years, many underserved groups have not benefitted from the province’s economic expansion. The adoption of a Living Wage by Saskatchewan municipalities and employers would offer a chance to more equally share the benefits of a booming economy. The income security derived from the Living Wage benefits not only workers, but their families as well, improving health and child development outcomes. Moreover, the Living Wage can be a boon to local business, drastically reducing absenteeism and employee turnover, enhancing brand reputation and customer loyalty and providing privileged access to a new market of Living Wage employers. Lastly, the Living Wage can improve the health of our local economies by injecting much-needed income into the hands of low-income earners who will immediately turn around and purchase local goods and services.

We know that the costs to adopt the Living Wage are negligible and are far outweighed by the positive impacts on our families, business and communities. Adopting a Living Wage is one way we can restore a measure of fairness and dignity to our economic system. We hope that this initial report on the Living Wage for the City of Regina can spark a successful Living Wage movement throughout Saskatchewan.

View the full release here:


Simon Enoch, PhD
CCPA Saskatchewan
G-2835 13th Avenue
Regina, SK
S4T 1N6
(306) 924 3372

Media attention shows concern for poverty

The PFS report Communities Respond has received considerable media attention, showing the importance this issue has in the public eye.

Included in CBC TV 6:00 PM news.

CKOM – Saskatoon coverage. http://www.newstalk650.com/story/organization-calls-province-wide-strategy-poverty/79515

Lead story on Global News http://www.globalregina.com/

Radio-Canada http://www.radio-canada.ca/regions/saskatchewan/2012/10/15/003-pauvrete-rapport-saskatchewan.shtml

Regina Leader Post article – this article was on the Front page of the Leader Post today. http://www.leaderpost.com/Report+details+plan+tackle+poverty+Saskatchewan/7394120/story.html

Communities Respond – Report Released

The Communities Respond report was released by Poverty Free Saskatchewan today.

PFS Communities Respond – Highlights, Oct 15, 2012 final

PFS Communities Respond – Summary Report, Oct 15, 2012 final

Communities Respond documents the responses of participants in a series of public consultations held in 7 Saskatchewan locations in 2011 and 2012: North Battleford, Moose Jaw, Regina, Saskatoon, Tisdale, Nipawin and Melfort.

More than 170 participants attending the regional discussions said that it is time to move ahead on addressing poverty. People from the communities emphasized that many Saskatchewan residents are suffering greatly from the effects of poverty and this is preventing them from fully participating in our province.  Participants also identified many concrete positive actions that can be taken.

The Communities Respond report outlines the input received from the community discussions. These ideas will be used in future to develop an integrated and comprehensive poverty elimination plan. This plan will be built on the results of the community consultations, and a review of successful strategies in other provinces and in local Saskatchewan communities.

The document release is part of events in Saskatchewan and around the world honouring the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, which occurs on Oct 17.

Communities Respond – report on consultations

Poverty Free Saskatchewan : Press Conference

 Monday, October 15 at 10:00 a.m., Family Service Regina Boardroom, 2020 Halifax Street

 The press conference will mark the release of the Communities Respond research document which summarizes information from community consultations held across Saskatchewan in 2011 and 2012.

 The event is occurring at the start of Anti-Poverty Week, leading up to the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17.

For more information, email PFS or call (306) 535-9570.