CWP gives SK Poverty Reduction Plan a failing grade

Canada Without Poverty gives Saskatchewan’s Poverty Reduction Plan a failing grade

Poverty Free Saskatchewan is highlighting a national assessment that shows Saskatchewan is much behind other provinces in its efforts to eliminate poverty.

Canada Without Poverty (CWP) recently issued its annual progress profiles on all Canadian province and territories poverty plans. The 2017 Poverty Progress Profiles report was prepared using a human rights framework with ten success indicators.

In order for a poverty strategy to be based on human rights, CWP says, the plan must meet a number of criteria.

Saskatchewan’s effort in this regard, Taking Action on Poverty: The Saskatchewan Poverty Reduction Strategy, was released by the provincial government in 2016. Its aim was to reduce the number of Saskatchewan people who experience poverty for two years or more by 50 per cent by the end of 2025.

Saskatchewan’s strategy is in compliance with only two of the ten CWP indicators, #2 and #5. It is somewhat in compliance with #6, and not in compliance with the remaining seven.

  1. Ensure human rights training for those involved in developing and implementing the strategy. (*SK – SOMEWHAT*)
  2. Identify and address systemic discrimination and inequality. (*SK – YES*)  
  3. Explicitly refer to human rights obligations. (*SK – NO*)
  4. Be enshrined in the law. (*SK – NO*)
  5. Include representatives of diverse groups experiencing poverty in developing, implementing, and evaluating the strategy. (*SK – YES*)
  6. Set rigorous goals and timelines for achieving identified strategy goals. (*SK – SOMEWHAT*)
  7. Develop transparent mechanisms and indicators to monitor and track progress. (*SK – NO*)
  8. Report annually and publicly on progress. (*SK – NO*)
  9. Be a budget priority. (*SK – NO*)
  10. Create a space for individuals to claim rights and hold their government accountable to the strategy. (*SK – NO*)

CWP also noted that child poverty in Saskatchewan is very high and the poverty level for Indigenous children living off reserve and on reserve is extremely high. The province’s minimum wage is second lowest in Canada. And food insecurity in Northern Saskatchewan is a very serious concern.

The Saskatchewan government has not presented to the public a comprehensive evaluation report on achievement of its poverty reduction goals.

Dec 6 talk – “Poverty Reduction & the Current Sask Economic Climate”

JSGS Public Lecture ~ Poverty Reduction and the Current Saskatchewan Economic Climate – on December 6, 2016.
This event will be moderated by Dr. Daniel Béland, JSGS, and will feature a panel:
Chuk Plante, PhD Student, McGill University
Ali Abukar, Executive Director, Saskatoon Open Door Society
Caitlin Olauson, Centre for Integrative Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
Bill Mintram, Executive Director, Saskatoon Indian & Métis Friendship Centre
In 2015 the Government of Saskatchewan committed to, and developed, a poverty reduction strategy. Over the course of the past year, agencies and sectors that work in communities to reduce poverty have been patiently awaiting an implementation plan for the strategy. Now faced with the current economic downturn and looming provincial budget cuts, it is time to open a conversation about how critical it is to invest in poverty reduction in times of economic decline. This conversation will capture the historical background of poverty reduction strategies in Saskatchewan and across Canada, address the economic argument for investing in poverty reduction and provide 3 distinct sector perspectives to increase awareness of how important social investment is to our province.
December 06, 2016
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Saskatoon: Prairie Room, Diefenbaker Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Regina (Video Conference): Room 210, 2 Research Drive, University of Regina
There is no cost to attend, but those interested in attending are encouraged to register as seating is limited.
Complete event details and online registration available here.

SK Govt’s Poverty Reduction Strategy

The provincial government’s report “Taking Action on Poverty: The Saskatchewan Poverty Reduction Strategy” was released on February 24, 2016.

Poverty Reduction Summary – Backgrounder  ; Poverty Reduction Strategy Priority Area Actions Table  ; Full report Poverty Reduction Strategy PDF

Media coverage: CBC ; CTV ;  Regina Leader-Post ; Global News interview with Blair Roberts, YMCA, Regina


In August, 2015 the Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction released their report with recommendations for Saskatchewan’s poverty reduction strategy. Full report. Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction Report

Article discussing the report and Minister Harpauer’s response.

PFS response to Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction Report AGPR Report PFS comments Oct 2015

Poverty in the Legislature

October 15, 2015 Member Statement by David Forbes  in the Legislature re the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

David Forbes MLA and Donna Harpauer, Minister of Social Services, discuss a Poverty Reduction Strategy and Children Living in Poverty, November 26, 2015.

Sask. government hears ideas on poverty reduction strategy: StarPhoenix

The Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction held a roundtable consultation in April to get input from members of community organizations and the general public into the development of the province’s upcoming poverty reduction strategy. Representatives from Poverty Free Saskatchewan were in attendance and provided feedback. This article by Charles Hamilton in the Saskatoon StarPhoenix showcases some opinions from advocates, including the need to have clear targets and timelines.


Presentation from AGPR Poverty Reduction Roundtable

On April 28, 2015, the Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction organized an event to gather feedback from stakeholders which could be used to guide the development of the upcoming provincial poverty reduction strategy. Liz Weaver from Tamarack: An Institute for Community Engagement facilitated the workshop which included provincial context and small group discussions about ‘moving from priorities to impact.’

The PowerPoint slides (in PDF) from the workshop can be found here: AGPR Poverty Roundtable Presentation April 2015.

Public Online Consultation – Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction

The Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction has launched an online survey which aims to gain feedback from the public about root causes of poverty, priorities for action, and potential solutions. Saskatchewan residents are asked to fill out the survey to share their experiences and thoughts on how the provincial Poverty Reduction Strategy should be developed. The survey closes May 15, 2015.

Link to the survey:

A recent article was published on the CKRM website about the Advisory Group and their consultations: